I am an honest and well-presented individual. I believe in doing what is right and insist upon this from those around me. Although I am able to work well on my own, I work just as well in a team, in a group setting I have found that I am an excellent mentor and teacher but also open to learning. I strive to understand “client” requirements and meet their expectation with high quality deliverables and service. I am flexible and look for initiative-taking solutions, willing to go the extra mile to ensure that I do. I am consistently questioning the status quo and seeking opportunities for continuous improvement, happy and willing to think outside of the “box”. Will address issues and requests without hesitation and also recognize and reward excellent performance either by e-mail or in Person in or out of meetings, I believe that good should be done publicly and that discipline is done in private, this will ensure that others are not made despondent. I am cooperative and support the people with whom I work. I believe in taking ownership and not throwing blame on others where I have wronged. Confidentiality and adherence to professional standards of excellence, is a priority. Following company standards and policies is essential, without doing so, one can and will jeopardize client/company relations. Sharing information is key, this will ensure smooth transitions and help ensure that the best service is given. Overall, I strive for excellence and to be a top employee, we lead by example.